IL-UTF-FS Synthetic is formulated from readily biodegradable, high lubricancy base oils and proprietary anti-wear and anti-corrosion additives. It is a multifunctional fluid for high-pressure tractor hydraulics, transmissions and final drives that share a common reservoir. BioFlo Synthetic UTF protects against varnish and sludge in harsh operating environments and is optimized for year round use, eliminating the need to change oils based on summer and winter conditions.
IL-UTF-FS fluids are formulated featuring our proprietary technology.

Key attributes/approvals:
• Any industry (construction, refuse, mining, dredging, marine, agriculture, forestry, etc.) utilizing mobile or stationary equipment where a UTTO is required, especially systems where a release into the environment is possible or where a leak or spill could reach a waste stream.
• Classified as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL’s) as per the EPA’s guidance document that defines standards for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EPA 800-R-11-002) and as required by EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP)
• Meets John Deere J20 C and J20 D specifications
• Meets Allison C-4 specitication
• Meets Caterpillar TO-2 specification
See the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for emergency, proper handling and disposal information


5 GAL, 55 GAL, 275 GAL

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